Unit to Convert?
Result (rounded to 7 decimal places):
Unit Name 1 unit = x m³
acre foot 1233.4819 0.0008107
acre inch 102.7902 0.0097286
cubic foot 0.0283 35.335689
cubic kilometer 1000000000 0
cubic meter 1 1
cubic mile 4168181843.0584 0
cubic yard 0.7646 1.3078734
cup [Canada] 0.0002 5000
cup [metric] 0.0002 5000
cup [US] 0.0002 5000
gallon [US, liquid] 0.0038 263.1578947
liter 0.001 1000
pint [US, dry] 0.0006 1666.6666667
quart [US, liquid] 0.0009 1111.1111111