Country code of PALAU : 680 |
Exit code : 011 |
| |
NDD : |
Current time :
Main Line: 6,700 |
Mobile: 1,000 |
Continent: Oceania |
Internet Users: n/a |
Capital: Koror |
Currency: US Dollar (USD) |
Population of PALAU: 20,016 |
Area: 458 km² |
Language(s): English |
Religion(s): Christian (Catholics, Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Assembly of God, the Liebenzell Mission, and Latter-Day Saints), Modekngei religion (one-third of the population observes this religion which is indigenous to Palau) |
Phone Directory: www.palaunet.com/ |
Statistics: www.palaugov.net/stats/index.htm |
Official GOV. web site: www.visit-palau.com |
Map: PALAU |